Monday, January 9, 2012
PIP Breast Implant Controversy
This is to enlighten the public and patients of CosmesisIndia, regarding the recent notice for recall and removal of PIP breast implants.
The following is the advisory issued by ISAPS regarding the same
Clients of CosmesisIndia can be rest assured that none of our implants were from PIP and there is no reason for an implant removal or exchange because of the recent developments.
Notice to ISAPS Members
8 January 2012
PIP Implant FAQs
To all ISAPS members: the following 10 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been developed to help our members respond to patients' questions about the PIP implant controversy. If you would like this document sent to you in another format so you can share it with your patients or post it on your website, contact the Executive Office at We will upload it to the home page of the ISAPS website as soon as possible.
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
45 Lyme Road, Suite 304 - Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 USA
t / 1-603-643-2325 f / 1-603-643-1444
e / w /
ISAPS has two missions: ongoing education of our member surgeons and the safety of their patients. In the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), our Board of Directors provides patients who have breast implants with information about the ongoing PIP/ROFIL breast implant controversy.
1. What is wrong with the affected PIP/ROFIL implants?
The French manufacturer Poly Implant Prostheses (PIP) and the Dutch company Rofil Medical used inferior, industrial grade, silicone in the breast implants they produced and sold. These products have a higher rupture rate than other available implants. Rupture can cause inflammation from silicone leaking out into surrounding tissue.
2. Which implants are affected?
Affected products are PIP breast implants that were used since 2001. These implants were also marketed under the name M-implant by the company Rofil Medical in the Netherlands and distributed in Germany by the company Rofil Medro. Affected Rofil implants are designated as IMGHC-TX, MX-IMGHC, and IMGHC-LS. There is strong suspicion that PIP and ROFIL implants that were manufactured before 2001 are also affected and are prone to a higher rupture rate and therefore silicone leakage.
3. How do I know what brand of implants I have?
Typically, patients receive an implant ID card after such an operation which gives information about the implant, the size and the batch number. The surgeon's name and the date of implantation should also be recorded. If you do not have such a card, we recommend that you contact the surgeon who performed the procedure to check his records and tell you.
4. How high is the risk that the implant shell can rupture and for silicone to leak out?
Recent studies by the French authorities determined a risk or rupture of up to 11.1% for PIP implants. In conventional implants, the rupture rate is up to 2%. The durability of the PIP/Rofil implants appears to be much lower than normally accepted standards.
5. What happens when silicone leaks from an implant?
Cracks in the outer shell of the implant can allow silicone to leak out and enter the body. First, the silicone passes through the lymphatic system into the lymph nodes in the armpit. From there it can move into the internal organs, which is rare. This industrial grade silicone can cause severe inflammation, irritation, and in some cases effusion. On the basis of previous studies, no increased risk of cancer was shown.
6. Do I notice when an implant ruptures?
Probably not because a crack in the implant shell can remain unnoticed, or it can lead to non-specific changes. Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit should always be an alarm signal that leads the patient to consult with their doctor. After an accident or violent blow to the chest, you should see your doctor so he can decide if an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination is appropriate. These tests will offer clues to determine if there is a rupture or leakage, but often provide false negative results - meaning that no silicone leaks are seen.
7. What should I do if I have a PIP or Rofil implant?
Definitely go promptly to the surgeon who operated on you for a consultation. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS) strongly supports the recommendation of the French authorities to remove the implants as a precaution, even if no symptoms or hints of rupture or leakage are present. Of course, you can decide after consulting with your doctor not to have surgery and to return instead for regular checkups. If you decide not to have the implants removed, we recommend ultrasound or MRI scans twice each year to check for ruptures.
8. Will my health insurance cover the surgery costs to remove or replace the implants?
As an international society with members in 93 countries we cannot provide an exact answer to this question. We advise you to check with your plastic surgeon and your health insurance provider.
9. If I have my implants removed, is it possible to put new implants in at the same time?
If the implants are intact, it is always possible during the same procedure to replace them. If, however, there are complications because of the state of the implant, it may be that insertion of new implants in the same operation is not possible if rupture has been undetected for a longer period and if the industrial silicone has caused an inflammatory reaction in the surrounding tissue.
10. Do I need to look for a special surgeon?
As the implant removal may be complicated, you should always look for a board certified plastic surgeon as he will have the experience to deal with unexpected problems. The forty-one year old International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is the largest international society of individual board certified aesthetic plastic surgeons with more than 2,100 members in 93 countries. Surgeons undergo a strict application process to determine their qualifications to join the society. You will find a list of ISAPS members in your country on our website
Dirk F. Richter, MD, PhD Joao C. Sampaio Goes, MD, PhD
Chair - Patient Safety Committee Chair - Communications Committee
Member, ISAPS Board of Directors ISAPS Past President
Wesseling, Germany São Paulo, Brazil
Email: Email:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Post Cancer Breast Reconstructions
Hello Everyone….
Back to the blogging board. This time I’m trying to write about something that every woman should know about and be aware about.
Yes, I’m talking about “Breast Cancer Awareness” and the “Pink Ribbon Run 2010” to be held this year.
Many of you must have also noticed the strange facebook satus messages which were again put out there to create awareness, regarding breast cancer.
But, what I’m going to be writing today here, is taking it a bit further. Yes, prevention is better than cure… and awareness to identify the problem early and deal with it is very important. But I deal with people who are already diagnosed and are operated on or have had their breasts removed in part or completely as a result of this disease.
I’m talking about “Rehabilitation awareness or Reconstructive awareness” as I would like to call it. Most if not all the women who have an established breast cancer are subjected to severe mental trauma for having to loose a breast – a sign of womanhood. That, many of them find more traumatic, than dealing with the actual disease - cancer.
The low awareness regarding the reconstructive options for such patients is appalling. We need to spread awareness to tell these women… this is not the end, they don’t need to feel inadequate or incomplete. There are options to reconstruct the lost part of your body and help them feel complete again.
As with anything in the world, the old adage holds true here too – “A stitch in time saves nine”. Early detection might help with getting away with only a lumpectomy rather than a full mastectomy.
So, yes early detection is the key, and for that awareness is a must. But, in cases with an established lesion, we have found that it is easier for patients’ to fight it knowing that they can be treated to get rid of the disease and it need not come at the cost of losing a part of their body leaving them “incomplete”. Of course many of them even if not reconstructed, over a period of time do reconcile to the situation, but the “quality of life” is not the same.
" Reconstruction is not an option….. in fact it must be the right of the patient. "
Every patient who undergoes a deforming surgery should be offered a reconstruction. It is her choice whether she goes ahead with it or not and this has to be discussed with them right at the outset when a treatment plan is made. Nowadays, every Oncology center has a good reconstructive team which is capable of planning and executing the same so that no patient has to go home feeling incomplete. With newer modalities of treatment and diagnosis, the reconstruction can be performed in the same sitting without the need for a secondary procedure later on.
There are many significant advantages of such an approach. The patient find it easier to deal with the trauma of deforming surgery, the quality of life is better and acceptance of curative resections will be more. There are some more advantages from the medical point of view with an immediate reconstruction which I will discuss during the course of this blog.
Now that we have established the need for reconstruction of the breast, let me just briefly highlight the various reconstructive options. For ease I will broadly classify the treatments into:
- Variations in treatment itself
- Reconstructive options
- Ancillary procedures.
Variations in Treatment:
Early detection helps giving us more options from the treatment point of view as in instead of doing a radical surgery to remove the full breast, variations such as Lumpectomies, Quadrantectomies, Partial mastectomies, Nipple sparing mastectomies or skin sparing mastectomies and the likes have come in. Of course as these fall into the purview of an Oncosurgeon and it would not be prudent on my part to be commenting on them.
But, it’s just to say that now, with early detection and by combining different modalities of treatment, the need for radical surgeries can be reduced.
Reconstructive Options:
But, when there is a situation wherein a part or the whole breast needs to be removed, we come into the picture to help with reconstruction of the breast.
Breast reconstruction involves using tissues from the body to reconstruct the breast either with or without an implant.
Implant Reconstruction:
In skin sparing mastectomies, partial removals or major lumpectomies, when the skin cover is more or less intact, then a reconstruction using a Silicon implant with or without a muscle flap is done. A muscle flap is combined along with the implant if only a think skin envelop remains to give better contour and also protection to the implant.
In cases where the skin envelop is more compromised and necessitates removal, then a combination procedure is done, where in a muscle flap is rotated from the back and then a tissue expander is inserted under this muscle to create a space for an implant. After 2 months or so, once the space is adequate, a silicone implant can be inserted or alternatively fat grafting to the breast can be done.
Breast reconstruction with Muscle & Skin Flaps:-
This kind of reconstruction is done using muscle and skin from other parts of the body to reconstruct the breast, when there is skin loss as well.
When a partial mastectomy is done or the native breasts are small, we could reconstruct using a Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous flap which is rotated from the back into the chest to reconstruct the breast. This can be combined with an implant as well. This muscle can be harvested to reconstruct the breast without too much of a deformity to the back and without significant loss of function. But this cannot be used when larger reconstructions are required.
For larger reconstructions the flap used is called the TRAM flap. This flap has been the workhorse for breast reconstructions for many years now. The main advantage of this flap is it provides good bulk for larger reconstructions and by removing it the patient gets an added advantage of having a flat tummy. This flap uses the fat and skin from the lower part of the tummy which is rotated into the chest to reconstruct the breast. This skin is normally discarded when we do a tummy tuck. So the patient get a tummy tuck as well as breast reconstruction in the same sitting.
Now there are more modifications to this flap allowing for more significant reconstruction with better aesthetic results.
Nipple reconstruction is usually done as a secondary procedure at a later date.
Ancillary procedures:
These are procedures done after the initial reconstruction to improve the result of the reconstruction and or the aesthesis.
- Nipple reconstruction: this is done as a secondary procedure. This is a minor procedure done to reconstruct the nipple using tissue from wither the opposite nipple or a skin graft of vulval skin.
- Reduction of the opposite breast.: Sometimes the native breast maybe too large, in such cases the reconstructed breast will be smaller than the native opposite breast. To help give a better balance a reduction mammoplasty of the unaffected opposite breast maybe required, but is not necessary. The choice is left to the patient.
- Scar revisions: sometimes rarely the scars can thicken or some scars may widen needing a scar revision later on.
So, from this brief write up, you can see that there are well established procedures for breast reconstruction after a mutilating procedure following cancer of the breast. But the awareness amongst patients is still low and hence patients need to understand and ask for reconstructions.
As I said before, in today’s day and age, no patient should go without a reconstruction. There are enough and more plastic surgeons in private and in government hospitals, capable of providing these reconstructions.
Hope we can spread the word around so no woman who has had to deal with a cancer of the breast be allowed to suffer the added pain of feeling incomplete after a mutilating procedure.
It is no longer a question of if one lives but also a question of how one lives – The quality of life….is point of emphasis here.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Mummy Makeover - II
In Mummy makeover part I we discussed about some options of preventing problems & non-interventional options to get back to the pre pregnancy state.
Here in this post we shall discuss about the interventional options available and a few of the same.
For ease of understanding, let me divide them according the regions of involvement and the options.
Broadly we can divide the changes into:
1. Generalized skin changes.
2. Changes to the face
3. Changes to the breasts
4. Changes to the Abdomen
5. Changes to the hips / thighs
Generally there aren’t too many changes that occur in the skin proper except for maybe more of dryness, cracking of the lips, and most importantly the “dreaded Stretch marks”.
Dry Skin:
As with any other reason for dryness, keeping the skin soft and supple is accomplished by using moisturizing & body lotions. Generally twice a day massages will help take care of this problem.
Cracked lips:
are problems especially during the later stages of pregnancy and early period post delivery. Same as with the skin, moisturizing with the use of lip balms and keeping yourself hydrated will go a long way in controlling this problem. Wetting the lips by saliva and biting them will only worsen the problem and also cause the lips to darken.
Stretch marks:
I wish I had a sure shot solution to this problem. If I did, I would be a millionaire in a few years. But, as I already mentioned in my previous blog on the same subject, the best way to treat stretch marks is to prevent them. But, am sure many of you are thinking that I’m the doctor here and I should be offering some solutions instead of saying it is untreatable. Well, there are a few options, but all have their limitations and none of them has a 100% success rate. This is because the stretch marks are due to breakage of the inner elastic dermal layer of the skin while the epidermis is still intact over it and all the treatments we have are external and aiming at promoting collages and scar deposition in the broken dermal layer of the skin.
The treatments work better in early stretch marks which are “pinkish or reddish” in appearance but not very promising in late established “white” stretch marks.
1. Chemical peels: there are various types of chemical peels which are basically long acting peels which promote collagen deposition in the deeper dermal layers of the skin. Some of the peels also tend to lighten the hyper pigmented areas, which are often associated in the stretch marked areas, which causes them to stand out more. By lightening the darker areas it helps camouflage the stretch marks better.
2. Dermaroller: This is an instrument, which works on the principle of “Microneedling” which basically means to puncture the skin with small micro needles so that there is no pain but the injury promotes collages synthesis in the deeper layers of the skin where the actual problem lies. This has shown decent results but it takes a long time for the results to be apparent. The procedure itself takes around 15 minutes to an hour depending the size of the affected area. The procedure is repeated every 4-6 weeks for 5/6 times..
3. LASER: Laser’s use the power of light to heat the deeper layers of the skin thereby promoting collages synthesis in the deeper layers. This works well in early stretch marks (pink stretch marks). Multiple sittings are required, at intervals of @ 4 weeks.
Most of the changes that occur during pregnancy like puffy face, dry skin and lips, are reversed post delivery. The most common change that stays on usually are pigmentation problems especially in the cheek area called “ Melasma”.
This is a problem that can be treated with a combination of peels, microdermabrasion and some skin lightening medication. But of course, skin protection from sun is an important part of the post treatment care.
As the hormonal status returns back to normalcy, the water retention and puffiness of the face also comes down. But gentle toning exercises help speed up the process.
The breasts and the abdomen are the commonest areas to bear the brunt of pregnancy. The most common problems following childbirth and breast feeding are, loss of breast volume, sagging breasts, stretch marked skin excess.
This is because during pregnancy the milk glands in the breast enlarge to replace fat in the breasts and post breast feeding involute to their original size. But, sadly the fat does not return to the breasts and if the skin has a lot of stretch marks, it does not shrink to the new reduced volume, causing sagging.
There are a few options when it comes to correcting these problems. If one feels comfortable with the size of her breasts when wearing a bra and is worried only about the sagging, she needs a “Breast Lift”. If she feels, the size in a bra is small, then an increase in volume is also needed, wherein a “Breast Augmentation or Breast Augmentation with Lift” is indicated.
1. Breast Lift (Mastopexy): This is a procedure designed to address the sagging glandular tissue of the breast as well as removing the excess skin. The basic procedure is the same, but many approaches like the classical “anchor incision”, “short scar vertical mastopexy” or a “circum areolar mastopexy” can be used. The gland is reshaped and suspended to the chest wall, the excess skin being tailored to the new breast mound to give it a proper shape.
Problems with a breast lift are usually a scar and the healing time. But apart from that it is a reasonably well tolerated procedure.
2. Breast Augmentation +/- Mastopexy: When the skin excess is not much, only an increase of breast volume in the form of an implant would suffice. In cases where the skin is in excess, augmentation using an implant is combined with a mastopexy. Here the augmentation is performed first and the breasts reassessed for residual sag. If present, the sag is taken care of by a mastopexy at the same sitting.
The abdominal changes are the most common and the most “visible” stigmata of pregnancy and childbirth.
The most common changes seen are loose flabby skin, stretch marks, fatty deposits, lower abdominal bulge and sometimes an upper abdomen bulge too.
The reasons for this have been discussed in the previous post “Mummy makeover- I”. Stretch marked skin does not contract and shrink, hence the loose flabby skin. Because of it the fat deposits stay and the loose muscles inside also contribute to the bulge.
The procedure to correct this deformity is commonly called the “Tummy Tuck” or an “Abdominoplasty”. There are two main variants to this procedure.
1.Regular Adbominoplasty: This is the classical method of correction of the problem. Skin excess is removed (the stretch marked skin below the level of the umbilicus), fat is sucked out with liposuction, the muscles are repaired and the hanging umbilicus, is repositioned to a normal position. This involves hospitalization for a day or two and a scar within the panty line, basically like an extension of the usual “Caesarean scar” but extending from one flank to the other. Simultaneously in selected cases the muscles can be tightened inside to bring the waist in also.
Usually there are drains left in after the surgery to drain out any excess secretions. These come out in 24-48 hours.
It is a common and well tolerated procedure, the main drawbacks being a long scar, though within the panyline. Getting back to routine activities takes around 3-4 days and regular normal work can be resumed within a week in normal circumstances.
Exercises can start within 2-3 weeks but abdominal exercises can be started only after 6 weeks. The patient has to wear a pressure garment (corset) for 6-8 weeks to help with swelling.
2.Mini Abdominoplasty: This is a variation of the regular abdominoplasty in the fact that skin excision is limited and there is no umbilical repositioning. But, liposuction and muscle repair are often needed. This is indicated when the skin excess is not much but there is muscle weakness. The scar is not as extensive as a regular abdominoplasty.
Changes to the hips and thighs are usually related to weight gain. As mentioned in my previous posts, hips and thighs are genetically prone areas for weight gain in women. Pregnancy weight gain in this area is just an extension of the same. Post delivery exercising does help to get rid of this excess.
In case it cannot be done for whatever reason, then operative options are there in the form of a liposuction. Liposuction as mentioned in previous posts is a procedure to contour certain areas of the body by sucking out the excess fat using small 1cm cuts.
As you can see, many changes do occur during pregnancy leading to changes in the body, some temporary and some permanent. There are options to try and get the body to the way it was but maintenance is required.
As mentioned before, there are no short cuts. All the surgeries are procedures are aimed at bringing the body as near to as it was, but maintenance is required to keep it that way.
Also, as mentioned in my previous post “Mummy makeover –I”, many of these problems can be avoided by a little care during pregnancy and post child birth. So spread the word, pregnancy and childbirth doesn’t have to be so problematic for a woman.
Try and prevent these problems and if you already have them, most of them can be corrected. There is no reason for one to live with them, as there are “options available”!!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Cosmetic Surgery in India - Understanding the Battle of the "BULGE" !

Hi everyone… back after a long break.
I have often been asked that the blog dealing with the issues it does, has not yet touched upon an issue that every one of us tries to cope with at some point in our lives. You may ask what issue that is……. It is the issue of weight management.
I know each and everyone of us (including me) at some point in our lives are fighting the “battle of the bulge”, hence I thought of putting down a few of my thoughts on the same from a personal point of view and from a health professional’s point of view.
Another reason for this delay in writing about this could be fact that notwithstanding the “magical guaranteed weight loss” adverts that I’m sure everybody has seen, this is a difficult issue deal with. Let me be a party pooper here by saying emphatically…there are no and I mean NO SHORT CUTS.
So let us see why this is such a big problem and what are some of the factors that play a role in weight gain. I would call it weight gain rather than obesity because the term obesity does not include overweight people by definition.
This brings us the fundamental question, when would one be called normal / overweight/ obese or morbidly obese? This classification is based on BMI or Body Mass Index, which is basically a product of a person’s bodyweight divided by a person’s height. A BMI of 18-25 is normal, 25-28 over weight, 28-35 obese and above 35 morbidly obese.
You can calculate your BMI using this online link below:
Why does one gain weight? This is a question the answer to which each and everyone wants to know, because if we know the answer to this, very easily we can avoid the causes thereby avoiding weight gain.
Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it?? Sadly it isn’t that simple.
But to take a common analogy that I give to my patients’ weight gain is like a bank balance, there are only to ways to increase your bank balance (weight) either you earn more (increased intake) or spend less (decreased output).
But sadly I’m sure all of us agree it’s easier to gain weight (except for the lucky few who have genetics on their side), than increase your bank balance. Now once we have the grass root level basic fundamental cause of weight gain let us examine a few reasons as to why and how it actually happens.
I’m sure we all have read enough and more about all this in all kinds of forums and media, let me just recapitulate a few of the reasons which most of us commonly face. I’m specifically not going too much into the technical details and trying to give you the gist of things. Secondly, I’m not touching upon certain medical conditions for weight gain, which I will briefly discuss during the course of the blog entry.
As you can see from the heading, it is not only increased intake but also the intake of wrong kinds of food and improper intake, which also contributes to weight gain.
1.Over eating: Though most of us tend not to agree to it, it is often the most common cause for weight gain. Every time you have that extra spoonful, it adds up in the long run. It is said that after a meal one should feel that he can have a little more…. that, is the time one should stop. But more often than not, we stop when we feel full and that is already too much.
2. Fast food: Fast food is fast to make and convenient to eat can be eaten on the move but more often than not is full of fats/cheese & salt.
Anyone who has read science in school knows that fat has more calories (9Kcals/gm) as compared to protein (4Kcals/gm) or carbohydrates (4Kcals/gm). So, the more fats you eat the more calories you are putting in. Carbohydrates are easy to absorb and after your basic energy requirements are met, are converted to fat for storage.
Chips – a favorite amongst most is another common cause. An old saying for them, which holds very true, is “ A minute on your lips & a lifetime on your hips”, hence avoid them.
Increased salt intake causes more water retention in the body and hence is also an important factor for weight gain.
3.Improper timing: The time of a meal also is an important factor. Food should be eaten at least 2 hours before one goes to bed to allow digestion to occur properly. So, siesta’s after a heavy lunch or eating just before going to bed are not such good ideas after all.
There is research also to suggest that, the later in the night one eats, the more chances are that all that food is being converted to fat. So, having “ a midnight snack or munchies” is again not such a great idea.
4.Alcohol: Alcohol has often been blamed for gaining weight but the gain in weight is more related to the increased snacking, which goes along with consumption of alcohol.
5.Fizzy Drinks: These are aerated drinks with empty calories, which are of no use and add up to the over all “Bank Balance of Calories”. Instead, substitute it with fresh fruits or fresh lime, which is much healthier but of course try and avoid excess salt or sugar in them.
This is now turning out to be an important part of the whole weight gain process, especially so in youngsters and children.
1.Sedentary lifestyles: Now with the comfort levels increasing, activity has reduced. We use the lifts instead of stairs, vacuum cleaners instead of brooms, cars instead of walking, etc. The amount of calories burnt per day is decreasing with more mental activity than physical.
Some amount of physical activity is needed daily to keep the Basal metabolic rate higher so that you can burn more calories. Of course though ideal, considering family and work pressures, it is understandable that a regular gymming schedule is not always possible.
But, one can incorporate small things into the daily schedule to increase the output like taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking to the nearby store instead of driving, morning or evening walks, etc which do not take up too much of your time but help in spending those calories.
2. Children especially should have some regular physical activity in their daily schedule or we are going to be waking up to a generation of overweight youngsters. It is already happening in the west and is a major health hazard. We can see it happening around us in India too.
Real games instead of Video Games, fruits instead of chips or pizza & fruit juices instead of a fizzy drink should be the mantra for the kids.
There are a few medical conditions that can be a cause for weight gain. These are usually hormonal imbalances. The most common being:
1.Hypothyroidism: Here there is a decreased secretion of “Thyroid Hormone” which is responsible to maintain the Basal Metabolic Rate and hence there is a tendency towards weight gain. This is a treatable condition and after proper tests to find out the hormonal levels, replacement of the hormones causes a reduction in weight.
2. PCOD: Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD is another condition associated with weight gain. Here again the hormonal imbalances cause weight gain and the weight gain in turn worsens the PCOD. Medical & surgical options are available for treatment of this condition. A curious thing seen here is that weight reduction helps with the gyneacological condition with normalization of hormones.
3. Adrenal Hormonal Imbalance: This also can cause weight gain because of water retention.
A lot has been written n said about dieting and weight loss. Every other person is an expert in some sort of a diet. But a recent study has brought the proper perspective, as I have been saying for quite some time now, its not what kind of a diet you follow but the total intake versus the total output.
So whether it’s a low carb diet, a low fat diet or an only protein diet, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is,the total amount of calories going in.
Crash Dieting is a not a way to loose weight at all. You might loose weight initially but you are loosing muscle bulk and replacing it with fat. And most of the food that one eats gets converted to fat directly because of the body’s survival mechanisms. Secondly, with crash dieting there is a tendency to alternate binging with crash dieting and this doesn’t help.
So, what one needs is a proper balanced diet according to the work he or she does, which has all the necessary nutrients.
I’m sure all of us have heard or read quite a bit on the treatment options. I’m not going to discuss exercise, lifestyle modification and diet control which are essential to all treatments as an adjunct.
For the ease of understanding, I will divide the treatment options according to the BMI.
BMI of 25-28(30) – Overweight Category:
This is the category for which we have the most number of options.
1. Isometric Exercise/ Non Surgical Body Contouring – This is an option where in, with the help of targeted muscle stimulation & Infra red waves, isolated areas of the body are treated to achieve targeted contouring and inch loss. Here the patient comes in twice or thrice a week to the center, where the machine does the work for them and helps to achieve targeted contouring.
Very good for people in whom muscle laxity is a cause for bad body contour especially in the tummy area. Also very good immediately post pregnancy to help reduce the flab and tighten the muscles which have become loose post pregnancy and child birth
2. Ultrasonic Lipolysis: This involves breaking down the fat cells directly with the use of a non-invasive ultrasonic wave. The patient comes in once a month for the treatment, which lasts 45 mins to an hour. The released fat has to be reabsorbed and excreted by the body. It works well for small isolated areas like the saddlebags, lower tummy. This doesn’t work for large areas.
3. Injection Lipolysis or MESOTHERAPY: This involves giving multiple injections in the target areas to help dissolve fat in that area. The injection is usually of a derivative of Soya protein, which helps the cell membranes of the fat cells to break down and release the fat into the body. This is absorbed by the body and excreted.
It requires injections maybe once a month for 4 or 5 times. It works well if given properly and for small areas like the double chin or the saddlebags. Contrary to what people might claim it is not for large areas. Complications in the form or small injections abscess or collections of liquefied fat, which may require drainage, are occasionally seen.
4. LASER Lipolysis: This is a minimally invasive procedure which involves insertion of a small LASER probe in the affected area help break down the fat cells in the track of the probe thereby releasing fat into the body which is reabsorbed and excreted. This is also an office procedure and requires multiple sittings maybe a month apart.
Works well again for isolated areas like double chin, cheek fat, saddlebags, arms, etc. Large volume Lipolysis again is technically possible to a certain extent but not practical. The patient does need to use pressure garments, should have the patience to wait for the results for a few months and of course undergo multiple sittings.
5. Liposuction: This is a surgical procedure where a cannula is inserted under the skin by small 1-1.5 cm incisions in hidden areas to suck out the fat. This again is a procedure for body contouring. Though one does loose weight, he will loose more in inches
There are various techniques like the mechanical, ultrasonic, VASER, power assisted. All these are different methods of suction depending on the type of probe used to breakdown the fat cells.
As regards to the technique there is also the tumescent technique which is the preferred technique nowadays and basically involves infiltrating large volumes of saline along with some drugs to help minimize bleeding and trauma to other structures in the vicinity.
Liposuction can also be classified according to the volumes to be removed. Small, moderate or mega liposuctions. Small volume suction can be done under local anaesthesia. Moderate volumes can be done under local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia depending on the patient’s comfort level. Mega liposuctions require anaesthesia, hospitalizations and in some rare instances blood transfusions.
Internationally, the accepted volumes of fat that can be safely sucked out at one sitting is @ 8% of body weight in men and @ 9-10% of body weight in women. This is because of the fact that men tend to have an equal amount of fat inside the abdomen, whereas in women most of the fat is extra abdominal and also the fat that men have more fibrous fatty deposits. Hence, women are good candidates for liposuction.
Problems after liposuction are because of the swelling. Here as the fat is physically being sucked out, the effects are noticed immediately, but in a few days swelling sets in and takes around a month before significant changes can be felt. This also depends on the areas targeted and the amount removed. Full healing takes around 3-4 months and during this period the patient needs to wear a pressure garment to help the skin shrink. Some amount of unevenness maybe present which gradually settles with time and massages.
Rarely in smokers, there maybe areas of skin necrosis. Sometimes especially with large volume liposuctions, there maybe some collection of fluid called seroma’s which might require drainage.
BMI of 30-35 – Obese Category:
This category is the so-called “Grey Zone” of weight loss treatments. As these patients are not yet candidates for a Bariatric procedure and the procedures for the overweight category cannot fully help in treating these patients. But increasingly we are seeing patients in this category.
In these patients it has to be a combination of procedures and sometimes multiple sittings are needed to get the desired changes.
More often than not we do large volume liposuction in such cases, maybe one or two sittings with a gap of 6 months in between combined with a proper diet and exercise schedule. The procedure of Liposuction has already been discussed.
BMI of 35 and more – Morbidly obese Category:
These patients have other metabolic problems along with the fact that they are overweight. These are candidates for Bariatric procedures that are procedures aimed at reducing the intake drastically (Gastric banding or Sleeve gastrectomy) or reducing absorption of food (Gastric & Duodenal bypass procedures).
These are major surgeries and have to be done in specialized centers and involve a multidisciplinary approach with the involvement of plastic surgeon, gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, dietician, physical therapists, anesthetists, etc. This itself is a topic by itself.
The aim of this blog was to try and bring things into perspective for a person looking at weight loss or to just get in shape. Ultimately, “ a Stitch in time does save Nine”! So the earlier we wake up to the fact that weight is becoming a problem to all of us, the better it is. If not to reduce, at least try and modify our lifestyle and being about some changes in how we do things, it might help prevent the problem from becoming worse, where a much more drastic and major procedure might be required.
As you must have seen in the course of the blog that, this is not a simple topic and I have not even scraped the surface of the problem. But, the aim is to try and simplify things so one can understand what are the little things we can do to bring about a bigger change.
Whatever said and done, all the procedures are only an adjunct to lifestyle modification to get the full benefits in the long run. Change in dietary habits, maintaining a negative intake output balance, increasing physical activity will all go a long way in helping one keep fit and stay healthy.
So let us bring about the change… by being the change!!!!
So here’s to a new, fit, healthy, better looking you..!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
"Mummy Makeover" ... I
Sounds trendy doesn’t it???
Well not really, it’s new packaging of the procedures already being done, as we shall discover in the process of this blog and the next.
Why the mom makeover at all?
The woman being the one to create life, goes through many changes physically during the process of pregnancy, giving birth & nursing the child. In a way, it is a sacrifice she makes to create and bring forth a new life.
But, the question still remains, why the makeover at all. What are the changes that occur which need to be corrected.
Doc, I jus saw myself in the mirror today and I was shocked, as I couldn’t recognize the person I saw in the mirror. It was definitely not me..!!!
This is a common complaint women come to us with. During their pregnancy, the mother and everyone around are concentrating on the eating, weight and the unborn child’s well being. After birth it is again the child who is the center of attention, after that till the child starts going to play school, the mother is totally neglecting herself. Then one fine day when she has a little free time from kids and family, she looks at herself and cannot recognize the person in the mirror.
It is not intentional, that this happens. It’s just how things are prioritized in life. I’m not saying that we do not need to give attention to the child during that period. Just that, a little bit of attention to the mother during the pregnancy, childbirth and post birth period, will go a long way in her not having to feel that way a few years down the line.
So what exactly am I talking about here?
To simplify the understanding of what needs to be done, let me first start by enumerating and discussing few of the issues that form the basis of the problems to be corrected in a Mum Makeover.
- The Tummy: The abdomen, especially the lower abdomen is the area which bears the most insult during pregnancy. Because of the growing womb, the skin is stretched, the muscles are stretched, and there is collection of fat because of the weight gain. Post childbirth, the skin stays loose, has lot of stretch marks, there is a prominent bulge in the lower abdomen because of the loose muscles. All these are compounded by lack of physical activity concentrated to the specific area. Also, with more women now going in for cesarean sections, the lack of activity in that area get further delayed.
- The Hips: This area is genetically programmed to carry more fat in a woman (the pear shape). More so during pregnancy and post pregnancy. This is genetically the reserve, which the woman accumulates during pregnancy. Combined with less physical activity in the immediate post partum period, tends to get worse.
- The Breasts: The breasts also bear equal brunt of the pregnancy and post delivery period. During pregnancy and lactation there is development of the milk glands to produce milk for the newborn and hence as they develop they replace the fat that is present in the breast. Once the period of breast-feeding is over, the glands get back to their pre pregnancy state, but the lost fat doesn’t come back and that is the reason for the breast looking empty and sagging. Also because of the stretch marks on the skin of the breast, the skin doesn’t shrink back to the reduced volume giving it the appearance.
- The Vagina: Post childbirth, the vaginal canal is stretched and like any muscle that is stretched a lot, it needs toning to bring it back to its normal size and tone. In fact in the west this has been used as a punch line to ask people to go in for caesarean sections… “ Have your child the C sec way and keep your passage the honeymoon way”. But that is not required, the vaginal passage was physiologically meant to stretch and contract. But a few things have to be kept in mind, as we will discuss later on in this blog.
- The Face: Post pregnancy and childbirth many women tend to have pigmented patches on their faces called “ Melasma” which just persists even after childbirth. This occurs due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Also some patients might have a double chin or a more rounded face as part of the generalized weight gain seen during this period.
Now that we know what are the few changes, which occur during the period starting from getting pregnant to one realizing that their whole body image has changed, is there something we can do to reduce these insults if not prevent them altogether?
The good news is YES…!!! There are things, which one can do during pregnancy and in the immediate period following childbirth to help prevent or at least reduce the changes that are occurring in the body.
Pregnancy Care:
The whole aim of the “pregnancy care” concept is to help the mother to be to take care of her body by doing small things to prevent future problems. The main problem during pregnancy is the weight gain and the increasing abdominal girth. When this rapid weight and circumference gain is more than what a person’s skin can tolerate, the dermis which is the supporting layer of the skin ruptures leading to stretch marks. So to prevent stretch marks the best thing that one can do it just spend 10 minutes each in the morning and night out of 24 hours to do a little something to help keep the skin supple to prevent stretch marks. The areas to be concentrated on are the abdomen (more so the lower abdomen), the breasts, the buttocks and the thighs.
The best way to keep the skin supple is to moisturize it. It could be with the help of oils or body lotions. Just take 10 minutes out of your daily schedule to gently massage the areas with a body oil or body lotion. This when done over the period of the pregnancy will make the skin supple and allow it to stretch easily as the mother gains weight and the abdomen gains circumference. This is true for the breast as well as other areas as mentioned before.
This simple step can prevent a lot of the problems later on. Also the second trimester is the most important period to do this because in the last trimester the weight gain and the circumference gain is very rapid and doing it then will not give the skin sufficient time to become soft and supple enough to stretch.
Post Child Birth:
Post delivery the single most important thing a mother can do to help her regain her figure and push her tummy back is the same thing that our grand mothers used to advice. That is the use of a binder or as the grand mothers would advice tying a sari around the abdomen tightly.
This helps in two ways, firstly it is pushing the skin back to its normal position and allowing it to shrink as it normally should and secondly it is also pulling the muscles together to the normal position they should be in. Hence, this when done properly for the next few months will greatly help in one getting back to the pre pregnancy state. Of course if the stretch marks are too bad then the shrinkage might not be to the extent that is desired for, as the skin is like a rubber band broken at multiple places, but even then the muscle toning itself is enough reason for one to use the binder.
This can be done for patients who have undergone C-Sec’s too. After the initial week or two of the healing time for the wound, the binder will help as mentioned above.
The other things that the mother can do are to continue the oil massages to the body and to get into some sort of regular physical activity. Be it morning walks or evening walks or treadmill, etc. I know there would be lot of women shaking their heads n saying… “ What does he know.. He’s not a woman! How do we find time for it? ” But for that, ladies.. let me just say one thing… “Its not easy agreed but if you do it.. it will benefit you. You are preventing a surgical procedure and getting back to how you were and not letting things get out of hand…!” So you work out the math!
As far as the vagina goes, the easiest way to help tone the pelvic musculature to get back to what it was is to do some basic exercises called Kegel's Exercises. The aim of these exercises is to strengthen and fortify the muscle tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor which in turn. It basically involves contracting your pelvic muscles and keeping them contracted for a period of time and doing this in cycles all through the day. The best part of this exercise is that it can be done anywhere and anytime and doesn’t need any equipment.
So now that we know what are the few things one can do to prevent things from getting out of hand and one finally landing up in the so called “ Clutches” of the “Cosmetic Surgeon”, I hope more and more to be mothers will take better care of themselves to prevent or reduce these problems.
As, I will be dealing with the specific surgical management of these problems and the actual “Mummy Makeover”, I think this blog should have been titled…” Tips to prevent a Mom Makeover”.
Happy reading…
Friday, July 11, 2008
Cosmetic Gyneacology - A new concept???
Hi all.....
Today, I'm gonna be talking about a relatively new topic ( at least in the general public's mind) especially in the Indian scenario. I have been getting many queries and emails regarding this, but the common factor in all those being the fact that very little is know about it and there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the same.
The topic is “Cosmetic Gynaecology”.
Though the procedures that come under this heading have been performed for quite a few years now, the term seems to be recently coined. It basically involves correcting cosmetic problems related to the female genitalia. The procedures which come under this are:
Labioplasty ( Reducing size of the lips)
Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Rejuvenation ( Tightening of the vagina)
These procedures can be done together or separately or in various combinations depending on the need of the patient. Sometimes certain other urological or gynaecological procedures maybe be combined if there is a associated medical problem.
Let us briefly discuss each of these procedures separately.
This refers to the procedure by which the labia ( lips) minora most commonly or sometimes both the majora and minora are reduced surgically if they are too long. Many women are bothered about it as they know how it was and they feel it is not the same as time progresses and they feel uncomfortable about it. In normal course the labia minora are smaller and hidden within the labia majora as in the younger age groups. So, this is an attempt to bring it back to the way it was.
It is a relatively simple procedure which can be done under local anaesthesia or regional anaesthesia and the patient can go home the same day.
Some times this maybe be accompanied by fat grafting of the labia majora to increase their volume & give them a more youthful look.
This refers to a procedure of recreating the Hymen. Also called "Revirginization".
Not very commonly a part of the combination of procedures. It involves recreating the thin layer of skin at the vaginal opening to give it an impression of being virginal. Though the fact remains that the hymen can rupture because of many reason other than intercourse. But it is done more for personal and religious beliefs than for medical reasons.
The procedure involves recreating the hymen with the help of tissues in and around the vagina. It is a relatively simple procedure and the patient can go home the same day. The stitches dissolve on their own in a week or 10 days.
3.Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Rejuvenation:
Classically vaginoplasty refers to recreating the vagina in patients with a congenital absence. But here in context of cosmetic gynaecology, it refers to tightening the vagina. Because of child birth and repeated intercourse and lack of exercise the pelvic muscles surrounding the vagina become loose. This may sometimes cause problems during intercourse because of the lack of proper grip for both the partners.
Vaginal tightening can be done with the help of LASER's where the light from the LASER tighten's the mucosa and some part of the underlying muscle. This is a good option if the patient has a decent muscle tone. The other procedure is to surgically tighten the muscles outside the vagina. The procedure is done from within the vagina and the stitches dissolve on their own. The patient can go home the same day or the day after.
This is usually combined with a labioplasty and fat grafting of the labia. The patient can resume normal sexual activity in three to four weeks time. There is an increase in sensations and pleasure during intercourse for both partners.
There are some pelvic exercises which all women can do to naturally tighten their pelvic muscles and delay the need for such a procedure. Some centers also have equipment which will help tighten and strengthen the pelvic muscles.
This is a relatively new addition to the procedures. The “G Spot” or The Gräfenberg spot, is a female erogenous zone, which when stimulated leads to high levels of sexual arousal and powerful orgasms.
Though anatomically the “G spot” has not be identified as a distinct physical entity some studies and anecdotal evidences from different women have shown a very sensitive and thickened area in the anterior wall of the vagina. Some studies done also showed this thickening when the women is sexually aroused. Women claimed the experience of a “deeper” orgasm when their her G-spot was stimulated.
Despite professional and scientific criticism and skepticism in general by the public, the G-spot, as a concept, has been widely accepted. Even in India judging by the mails, the awareness has definitely increased.
“G Spot” amplification is an extension of the same concept. As stimulation of the “G spot” is supposed to give greater arousal to the woman, the procedure involves identifying the spot and increasing the size by an injection. It is a relatively safe and simple procedure done as an office procedure. The injection lasts for 6-8 months and can give enhanced pleasure during intercourse by increasing the size of the “G spot” during that time.
But in some cases the results may not be up to the mark because of the difficulty of finding the “G spot”. The injection can be repeated as and when the effect wears off and the woman feels she wants the extra help to get aroused.
The awareness of these procedures and the inquiry regarding the same has increased over the past few years as woman are becoming more aware of their bodies and their own needs. Though there will always be controversies regarding the procedures, like for all other cosmetic procedures the options are there for people who want to get it.
As one of my patient's said... "Doc...I know it's not a necessary procedure... but , Its nice to know we have options !!!!!"