Tuesday, February 27, 2007

FREE Cosmetic Surgery Consultations for Women

Cosmesisindia proudly wishes to announce

FREE Cosmetic Consultations for Women

on the occasion of " World Woman's Day"

I. On 4th March Sunday 10 AM - 1 PM

Venue : The Bangalore Hospital, 202 R.V.Road, Bangalore, 4

Contact: 41187628 for registration and details

II. On 11th March Sunday 10 AM - 1PM

Venue : The Apollo Clinic, 51. Jyothi Nivas College Road, 5th Block Koramangala, Bangalore -95

Contact:25633833 for registration and details.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Body Piercing and Body art !!!!


" Doc, I got my belly button pierced at C. Street and now its got infected, I'm afraid!"

" Doc , I got my ear pierced at my local jeweller, now its paining and scar is growing!"

Very common complaints that one sees in consultation room's. Is it avoidable? Is it necessary? Is it just a fad that youngster's get into? Well, not really..!

Body piercing has been in vogue in our culture from times immemorial. So also the case in many other civilizations across the ancient world as a way of beautifying the body.

But now it has moved to a different level with people becoming more adventurous and wanting to make a statement. It may be done alone as in most of the cases or in some cases as a part of a whole body modification process which is the other extreme.

Piercings can be done in different areas of the body depending on the personal preferences. The most common in INDIA being the ears, nose and navel. The more adventurous go onto to the lips, cheeks, eyebrows and even genitals.

Though a very simple procedure in terms if it being done, there are lots of things that can go wrong if not done properly by properly trained professionals. It has to be done by people well versed with the anatomy of the part, versed with sterility techniques and after care.

From the point of view of the person undergoing the piercing, some points to remember.

Know what you want , understand the healing time for the piercing, take care of it as advised, don't neglect any problems that you might have with it and don't remove or change the jewelry until it has completely healed.

Healing time after a body piercing varies according to the pierced area. Ranges from 6-8 weeks in the ear or eyebrow to a year in the navel and ear cartilage. In this too, there is the initial healing phase which lasts for a week or so where the body forms a lining to cover the raw area, but it takes the specified amount of time for it to heal completely. This healing period will be explained by the surgeon performing the procedure.

Though it is a simple procedure certain problems can occur, which should be kept in mind before undergoing the procedure. The common ones being infection ,non healing and Keloids. Care should be taken to have it done from properly trained personnel to prevent infection. Secondly till the healing is complete do not change over to normal jewelry.

Keloids are scar tissue that continues to form even after the healing process and some areas and some people are very prone to form keloids. As of now there is no effective way to cure Keloids, they can only be controlled.

Points to remember :

1. Read about the procedure and assure yourself that you want it. Remember that once done it's going to be there for life if not the jewelry, at least the scar.

2. Always go to a qualified professional or a surgeon. Most importantly if the centre looks unhealthy or dirty ...Walk right out.

3. Allow the piercing to heal properly before you change the ornament.

4. Clean the piercing regularly as advised and don't neglect any signs of infection or pus

5. "Spin" the ornament (turning the jewelry to allow the ointment to reach all areas of the piercing) as advised regularly.

6. Look for jewelry where the gems are mechanically set into the metal rather than glued. Glued jewelry cannot be sterilised

Remember you can rush yourself and the surgeon but you cannot rush your body to heal! So, give it proper time according to the area.

Daily Care Routine

· Do not touch your piercing unless you are cleaning it.

· While healing, your piercing will need to be cleaned once daily.

· Cleaning more often than this will harm your piercing.

· You will need to use an antibacterial soap (e.g. Dettol Liquid Soap).

1. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and wet the piercing with luke warm water.

2. Put a few drops of antibacterial soap on the piercing and work them into a lather with a cotton bud(ear bud).

3. Try to loosen any crusted discharge and tease it off the jewelry and your skin with the cotton bud.

4. Leave the antibacterial soap on the piercing for a few minutes while moving the jewelry back and forth( spin), allowing the disinfectant to penetrate the piercing.

5. Rinse with water and air dry thoroughly. Do not dry with a towel, which may get entangled and pull on the jewelry and may also carry bacteria.

So the best way to have a beautiful body accessory is to be educated about the procedure, knowing what you want, taking care to get it done by qualified professionals, using proper medical grade jewelry and not neglecting any problems that may arise.

By keeping in mind all the necessary points in mind you will be able to make that statement, look sexy, look different and at the same time keeping your body safe.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Since times immemorial breasts have always held the fascination of mankind irrespective of the age. And the fact is just as true today as it was many years ago. But the only thing that has changed is the fact that women themselves also are starting to take notice of them. So let us examine and learn a few things about breast augmentation or as it is fondly called " A boob Job!"

Who undergoes a breast augmentation….?. Is it the celebrities or routine people?? What drives them to get the operation? Do they understand the risks involved and about the procedure???

For the first question the answer is no! It is not only the celebrities, but routine people, the housewife, the teacher, the software engineer, the doctor… people from all walks of life who undergo the procedure.

What drives them to get the procedure done?? Well a few have pathological problems in the chest area and hence have to go in for an augmentation. But, majority of the women undergo the procedure because either the volume was less to start off with or decreased with age and multiple pregnancies or sudden weight loss.

What drives them is the fact that breasts are a sign of femininity and these women feel that the decreased volume of the breasts affects the way they see themselves.

First of all let us understand some facts regarding breasts :
1. Breast size is variable in people and there is no fixed size which is the norm. Several deciding factors like the amount of breast tissue, heredity, how fat the person is and the fact that whether the person has been pregnant before all contribute to breast size. And of course age is a contributing factor as always

2.There is nothing like a perfect breasts.Usually perky breasts without a sag and nipples pointing forwards and a little laterally are acceptable as the norm but they vary with the size. Small perky breasts look good if the person is thin but not on a well built female. So its all about proportion.

3. 99.9% women have asymmetrical breasts the left usually being larger than the right. The nipples may be erect, flat, inverted, the areola may be large or small, with or without few hairs growing long, or the areola may be bumpy all of which are normal.

Regarding understanding the procedure and the risks involved, I’m sad to say that though most of the patients are educated women, hardly 10% of them really know about the procedure and the risks involved.

Broadly there are two categories of women undergoing the procedure. The first category or age group is the young women who are in their 20's who want to increase their bust size because they have underdeveloped breasts.

The second category or age group of patients are those in their 30's who are usually mother's who have finished with their families and now have their children off to school and have done with their responsibilities and want to get back into shape and feel they way they used to maybe 10 years and two children back. This section of patients has seen a steady increase and I'm sure we are going to see more of them. But in this group many a times they might require certain ancillary procedure along with a breast augmentation which is usually a breast lift or a areola reduction or the such.

Breast augmentation surgery was first performed in 1962 by a Texas plastic surgeon who used silicone breast implants to enhance the size of a woman’s breasts. 1997 HBO film "Breastmen" starring David Schwimmer and Chris Cooper shows a cinematic representation of the introduction of the concept of the breast implant to increase breast sizes and the early days of breast augmentation surgery and its pitfalls. Breast augmentation surgery has come a long way since then with lots of advancements in the type of implants and techniques, though the basic methods remain the same.

A common fear amongst women is the fear of cancer with implants. This is totally unfounded as per research done by various medical fraternities. Recently even in the US, the FDA has cleared the use of Silicone Gel implants. Otherwise, silicone gel implants are used widely all over Europe, South America, and Asia, though saline implants are also equally in vogue though more in North America..

Implants are commonly filled with saline or silicone gel. Both implant types have advantages and disadvantages. The saline implants are silicon bags into which saline is injected to fill it up. The advantage of this is that smaller incisions to place the implant can be used and the sizes can be increased or decreased in case of volumetric discrepancies between the right and the left breasts. But the disadvantage is that some of the saline may leak over a period of many years and the implant may have to be replaced.
The silicone gel implants are permanent as they do no deflate. But they require a larger incision size. They have a natural feel and the new highly cohesive gel implants do not leak even if they are punctured or cut. The choice of the implant is usually left to the patient.

The implant can be inserted in three ways either through the armpit or through a cut below the breast or through a cut around the nipple/areola. The approach is determined by the size of the implant and the individual patient. Recently the so called Scar less Breast Augmentation” has been in demand also known as the “TUBA” Here a saline filled implant is inserted through the belly button and hence the scar is hidden giving it the name scar less.

The implant can either be placed in front of the muscle of the chest wall, “Sub glandular” or behind the muscle, “Sub muscular”. Placement of the breast implant under (behind) the pectoralis muscle is preferred in women with anatomically less breast tissue since the results are more aesthetic. Placement behind the muscle does not stop you from using those muscles, though body builders and weight lifters tend to prefer placement over the muscle.
Placement under the muscle allows for a more natural look and feel than placement over the muscle. Also, the incidence of capsular contracture is decreased with this placement. Placement behind the muscle allows easier breast self-examination and improved images with mammography when compared to placement in front of the muscle, all this because it is far away from the normal breast tissue.

The common problems after a breast augmentation surgery are mild pain and discomfort after the procedure. This is a little more in the sub muscular placement of the implant. Scar maybe a problem if you have an incision below the breast which will be seen in the initially but fades over a period of time. You might be required to do some regular massages for the next 6 months which your surgeon will explain after the surgery.

The most common cause of dissatisfaction amongst women undergoing the procedure worldwide has been the size of the implant with most women feeling that they should have gone in for a bigger implant. The cause for this is that initially because of the swelling the size looks more and as the swelling settles down the size feels a little smaller . But the size has to be determined by the amount of tissue she has, the incision , the type of implant.

In the end one has to realize that the final decisions are taken after a proper consultation and examination. Also the fact that, all surgeries have their associated risks and complications, which every surgeon operating on you will surely address.

This article was aimed at educating women about the procedure of breast augmentation, allay few fears and misconceptions and to help them make educated decisions regarding the same.

#Note: This article is the sole property of cosmesisindia.com and Dr.Surindher. No part may be reproduced in complete or in part without permission from Dr.Surindher.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I Hate my Nose..!!!!!!!!

“I don’t like my nose!!!!”
How many times have we heard that statement by people around us?
“My nose is too big / small!!”
“Because of my nose deformity I feel that I’m not able to perform well at work…!!!”
“People make fun of me, because of my nose!!!”
These are a few of the remarks with which patients come to us. If we ask 100 people 95 % will say that they are not satisfied with their noses. But not everyone is so dissatisfied, that they come seeking correction.
For the ones who come for correction a few things we have to think about. Are they really so dissatisfied with their noses?? Will a correction help them?? Will they be satisfied with the new nose?? Will it be acceptable??
Rhinoplasty is one of the most common operations performed by cosmetic surgeons. This procedure is designed to improve the appearance of the nose & involves any or all of the following procedures:
 Reduction of forward projection of the nose
 Removal of humps
 Correction of deviation of the nose and the septum
 Narrowing of the bridge of the nose
 Narrowing the tip
 Reduction of nostril size
 Correction of depressed nose
Rhinoplasty in most cases involves modifying the underlying skeleton (bones and cartilage) to produce the necessary changes. The aim is to bring the nose in balance with the rest of the face. The nose has to be seen as part of the face rather than as a single entity alone.
No single nose can be an ideal nose! A nose which looks beautiful one person will not necessarily look good on another person. Attempts are made to keep the nose in conformity with the rest of the face, keeping in mind the necessary specific changes which the patient came to us for.
Many patients feel that the change in shape will be so much that it might be the subject of discussion amongst family & friends. But, in reality neither the patient nor the patient’s relatives or friends really remember the original shape of the nose a few weeks after surgery.
The incisions for rhinoplasty are usually made inside the nose. The nasal skin is lifted away from the cartilage & bones. Then the necessary modifications to the skeleton (bones and cartilages) are made. The excess skin re drapes itself onto the new framework over a period of time.
The procedure of rhinoplasty involves very minor changes in the region of millimeters, but the overall effect is of a balanced nose as with respect to the shape and size. Also the final result of the procedure is evident only after 3 months when all the swelling abates and the skin is well draped over the new framework. This is the normal healing period.
The final results depend on the initial deformity, the healing capacity of the person and most importantly the skin type. People having thin skin have the best results as the results are better seen through thin skin. Hence females have better results as compared to males and westerners have better results as compared to most of our patients.
In some cases the bridge of the nose is depressed whereas the rest of the nose is apparently normal. In such cases an augmentation rhinoplasty is performed. Augmentation is done by inserting either cartilage from the nose / ear or bone from the rib / hip or silicone implants. Each of the materials which are inserted, have their pro’s and cons which the surgeon will advise you about when you go in for the surgery.
In others the whole nose is bulky where a reduction rhinoplasty is performed which will involve reduction of all the structures of the nose.
As the face has to be viewed as a whole unit and the nose not being seen separately, sometimes it is seen that the chin is disproportionate making the face seem unbalanced. In such cases chin enlargement or reduction might be needed, which can be performed simultaneously to enhance the facial balance.
Another aspect of rhinoplasty that has to be touched upon is the fact that so many people blame the nose for their lack of progress in work or life in general. The nose cannot be seen separately it is a part of the person and hence it alone cannot be the cause for any problems in life for the patient. Because it is the first thing that anybody sees as he or she wakes up in the morning, it’s the first to be blamed. In such cases a rhinoplasty might not solve the inherent problems and may not help in other aspects of a person’s life.
#Note: This article is the sole property of cosmesisindia.com and Dr.Surindher. No part may be reproduced in complete or in part without permission from Dr.Surindher.