Thursday, March 8, 2007

Move over ladies... The Men R Here!!!!

Any reporter or journalist who has met me has invariably put this question to me....." do men get cosmetic surgery done too???"

Well, the answer to this is very simple.. " Yes!!!"

But hidden in that " yes" are a lot of other things. Men have been getting cosmetic surgery even in the past but the ration of women is to men undergoing the procedure was maybe 9 women to 1 man or less. But in the last few years there has been a sea change in the number of men who are exploring surgical options, with the ratio almost coming to about 5 women to 5 men. So hows that for equality?

With a change in attitudes in today's world , the classical image of a man rugged n unkempt has taken a beating. Women of today like their men well groomed, smelling good, with manicured hands as well as a close shave and of course they want their men to be fit too, hence emerges the " New METRO SEXUAL Male " of today.

So the man of today doesn't mind taking care of what he wears , how he dresses and how he looks. I can tell by my own experience, when 11 years back my sister suggested I get a facial before my marriage..Ii scoffed at the idea and threw a tantrum at her ,but recently when my dermatologist suggested I come in for a peel, Ii said yes... though haven't been able to get to it. But it surprised me as just as much as it did my sister when I told her this.

Skin, be it a man's or a woman's needs to be taken care of in the same way.. and more for the man because of repeated trauma daily in the form of shaving, traffic and being out, etc. Similarly as people are becoming more health conscious, so also there is a perceptible increase in consciousness about their " Body Image".

More and more men are coming in asking for solutions to a variety of problems. But each problem has its differences as to the approach to it in a male and in a female because of differences in the body composition . Hence this blog will just try and touch on different aspects of cosmetic surgery for men and the common sought out procedures.

1.Gynaecomastia: ( Male Breast)
A very common condition. Here there is a slight increase of tissue under the nipple areas on the chest. This usually starts in adolescence due to the pubertal hormonal changes and in many it persists into adult hood. This becomes very embarrassing when a person goes to the gym, swimming pool or in the locker room. This is one of the few conditions where we operate on teenagers too, when the condition warrants it. This has taken over the number one spot as the most commonly sought after procedure by men.
The treatment consists of liposuction of the fat with or without a gland removal. The excess skin has to shrink back, for which the patient is required to wear a custom made pressure garment to give him the best results. This is a procedure that definitely gives immense satisfaction to the patient as well as the plastic surgeon. But this is a surgery which can be very easily botched up also, so proper doctor selection is again important.

2.Rhinoplasty( Nose Job)
Till a few years back this was the most common surgery even in men. The procedure is the same as for women with a few basic differences, like the skin in males being more thick, nose tip surgeries have limited results as far as sharpness of tip is concerned, which is one of the commonest requests that we as surgeons get.
Read more about rhinoplasty at

3. Liposuction :
This is another procedure which is often asked for by men and women equally. The areas to be targeted being the famous " INDIAN PAUNCH" and the "LOVE HANDLE'S". Here fat is sucked out from the abdomen and flanks through small 1cm cuts, 2 or 3 of them, depending on the amount of fat that has to be sucked out and the areas to be targeted.
Post operatively the patient is required to wear a pressure garment vest for the next 3 months to help the skin shrink back and as also helping the swelling go down.

4. Scar Revisions:
"Scarface", was a rage once upon a time , though the movie is still a rage, a scarred face doesn't hold the same charm or intrigue it used to. So scar revision is another common procedure performed. But the problem here is that " Once a scar always a scar"!!!! The only way to correct a scar is by not having it in the first place. A scar can only be revised, reduced, camouflaged.. it can never be erased.
Depending on where and how many scars are present various procedures are done to help reduce the scars or camouflage them into normally present facial creases.

5. Problems with deep lines and wrinkles
Fillers ,BOTOX and CONTOUR threads are now equally becoming a part of a man's schedule as a females. Be it forehead wrinkles, laughter lines around the eyes, deep nasolobial creases all are being tackled with increasing frequency.

6. Hair Transplants :
Another area which is very unique to men and very common affliction with genetic and hormonal influences. Its a whole chapter in itself and just enough to mention here that its a time consuming process and needs a very motivated patient to be able to go through with the procedure and wait for the hair to grow to the necessary length and also go in for second sittings as and when required.
Nowadays, follicular hair transplants are being done where a strip of skin from the back of the head is taken out and from it single hair follicular units are dissected out and transplanted into the bald areas.

Apart from these common operations, other procedure performed for males in varying frequencies are chin and malar implants, jaw reshaping, dermabrasions, calf augmentation , lip reductions, penile lengthening, etc.

So to wrap it up, cosmetic surgery for men is on the rise and is here to stay. But as mentioned earlier properly motivated patient with valid reasons to have a surgery will have the best effort to satisfaction ratio.

So men don't need to be ashamed of attempting to look good. You are not the first one taking the decision to undergo a cosmetic procedure and believe me you wont be the last. But educate yourself properly as to what can be done safely and who is qualified to do it.

Along with proper diet, nutrition , exercise, grooming and clothes, a cosmetic procedure will definitely help in improving one's own body image , helping you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror or wear that tight t shirt when u go to the gym to work out.


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